Create/save multiple forms on same list

How does one go about creating & saving multiple forms for the same list in Modern SharePoint expierence?
We have a default list/form in English today and are looking into adding several languages, which means needing to create multiple forms and providing links to NewForm(LanguageX).aspx.

I am using Plumsail Forms.

Thanks in advance!

Dear Fizd,
Please, check out our documentation section on Form Sets. You can create multiple sets of forms, and automatically redirect users based on their group/user’s properties/item’s fields to a custom set of forms.

Custom routing is unfortunately not an option as we're not fully using User Profile functionality in O365. I'd simply like to create 4-5 different forms using separate content types in the same list. I am however looking for a way to edit the SelectedItems from a SP-drop down list. Or simply put, change the display name of those and change them to another language. The option seems to be greyed out/not available in the Control section?

Dear @Fizd,
You can create different forms for different Content Types, it’s selected in the upper right corner, here:

As for translating Dropdown options - that could be tricky. These are set in SharePoint List settings, so changing them on the form is not so easy. It’s possible to do with JavaScript, but SharePoint will only accept values matching the ones in the List settings for the specific column.

The only way I can think of doing it, would be to add another Common Field -> Dropdown, then use JavaScript spBeforeSave event, check field’s value and assign a matching value to the SharePoint field, so it saves properly. The SharePoint field has to be present on the form for it, but it can be hidden with Style: display:none;