Cross Site Look Up and Forms

Does Cross Site Look up work with Plumsail Forms? All the documenation show Forms Designer?

Dear Jennifer,

Yes, Cross-site Lookup works with Plumsail Forms, it will be displayed in a modern mode.

All settings of the Cross-site Lookup have been transferred to the Plumsail Forms client and are also available for ordinary lookups now:

Sorry to jump on this thread, just so I understand this correctly are you saying that any filtering etc done within Cross Site Lookup will not work with Plumsail Forms and will need to be set within the Forms Client on each Form now then??


Dear Tony,

Yes, you are right, all Lookup configuration is located in the Forms Client in new Plumsail Forms.

I am lost. I just want to filter a dropdown based on the parent form ID when a new record is created. I have tried modifying the examples and I'm pretty frustrated. Is there a simple example of this? I'm not cascading, i just want the list to be filtered by the ID of the parent. Any help is appreciated. I've read the instructions and tried over and over. I'm not very well versed in Java script...


Do you want to filter a List or Lookup values?

Could you please share the screenshot of the form and the source list, and highlight the field that you want to filter by ID.

Thank you!

Actually I figured this out (finally). Thanks for your help!

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