From a list or a library extract a report with the elements to be overcome and send an email with the report

From a list or a library extract a report with the pending items (vacation request, task) that have not been approved and its due date is next. That report sends the user who was assigned to the approval by means of an email every Friday in an automated way.

Hello @fguillen, thank you for your message.

You might have a list with the following structure:

So your workflow, in this case, might look this:

With the following properties, please pay attention to OrderBy field (it is the internal name of the Due date column) and to Filter field:

First, Get Items by Query action is used to get the items that weren't approved (column Approved) and their Due date is next (Due date column).
Then the standard Get an Item from a Dictionary action is used to get the user's email.
After that, Send an Email with Attachments is used to send an email to the address we get from Stage 2.

You can schedule this workflow so it will be running every Friday using Plumsail Workflow Scheduler.

I'm sorry if I didn't understand your case correctly.

Thank you for your response, evaluate your example. It adheres quite to my requirement