Issue publishing Plumsail workflows only

We are looking to purchase some products, but this does not bode well.

I get the error below when trying to publish any workflow with a plumsail action in it. Other Sharepoint Designer workflows publish without errors. I have uploaded the WSP, activated the solution, activated the solution on the site, configured the username and password. Yesterday I tested a site creation workflow and it worked fine. Today that workflow will no longer publish and neither will any others with plumsail steps. Removing the plumsail step and the same workflow will publish just fine. I tried deactivating the site feature to see if re-activating it would work, but deactivating also throws an error.

Microsoft.Workflow.Client.ActivityValidationException: Workflow XAML failed validation due to the following errors:
Cannot create unknown type ‘{clr-namespace:Plumsail.ActionsPack}StringLength’. HTTP headers received from the server - ActivityId: 2f8a6f9a-7e67-4188-bab8-05db20e36e5f. NodeId: . Scope: . Client ActivityId : 1026729d-300f-2000-4500-9fa99b601521. —> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
at Microsoft.Workflow.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAs

Note that I have found this post and it has nothing to do with site templates. This happens on even the simplest of workflows (check string length).
Cannot instantiate a site template links to … more-16178

It also has nothing to do with another post about running a powershell script to reconnect the workflow manager, because that issue affects all SPD workflows and my issue is only with workflows that include Plumsail steps.

Please help.

Hello Dominic,

Please write us at, I think we can setup screen sharing session to resolve the issue.

I´m receiving the same issue on Plumsail Workflows… After installing the Licence. I also did some SharePoint Designer Clear Cache, and reinstalling and upgrade Plumsail Workflow Actions Pack. Unfortunately receiving every time this Error Message:

Microsoft.Workflow.Client.ActivityValidationException: Workflow XAML failed validation due to the following errors:
Cannot create unknown type ‘{clr-namespace:Plumsail.ActionsPack}ActivateFeature’. Vom Server wurden HTTP-Header empfangen

Please help!


Could you please try to reactivate Workflow Actions Pack feature and try to re-publish the workflow? ​

You may need to use -Force key for reactivation. Please check out Enable-SPFeature documentation​.

Best regards, Kirill Shaklein.

Hello , we recently moved our workflow backend manager to another server and are expericing the same/similar issues when publishing a workflow with plumsail features. Error is as shown below:

Microsoft.Workflow.Client.ActivityValidationException: Workflow XAML failed validation due to the following errors:
Cannot create unknown type '{clr-namespace:Plumsail.ActionsPack}StringLength'. HTTP headers received from the server - ActivityId: f5ef70b2-7ffd-40e3-8f17-1ebb480b3fbf. NodeId: OURSERVER.
Scope: /SharePoint/default/08ec2dd3-17f4-467b-b13f-fa4b91764b62/0b8c4f37-f7a2-48ea-96e4-b99ea1548e00.
Client ActivityId : 0b15e49f-7518-9018-5433-ee2204984f58. ---> System.Net.WebException: Th

Please advise

Hello @MarkMando,

Please make sure that standard workflows work correctly, after that disable the Workflow actions pack feature on the site (probably via powershell with force flag)

Disable-SPFeature -identity 22bb2cee-2403-4b7c-818e-9078b11a218b -URL https://somesite -f

and activate it again. Also, clean-up the SharePoint designer cache.

Best regards,
Plumsail team



Hello Petr,

Tried that but still no luck unfortunately.

Kind regards,

Hi @MarkMando,

I'm going to discuss a solution with my team. Could you also confirm that standard workflows work correctly?

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi @Petr,

Sorry for not updating you. Your suggested solution worked well. Problem is we were running the command on the wrong server in our farm.

And yes, standard workflows were working fine.

Kind regards,