JS to select option from choice field

I cannot find an answer that exactly fits what I’m trying to do…
I have a Sharepoint choice field which allows multiple selections. On the condition of another choice field (radio field), I want to pre-select one of the array options from the multiple selection choice field.

Here’s what I have so far:

function isSupervisor() {
if (fd.field('Supervisory_x0020_Position').value == 'Yes') {
    $(fd.field('Position_x0020_Specific_x0020_Tr').itemRows[6]).checked = true;
} else { }}

There is no error in the console log, but my option is not checked. Any ideas?

Dear Maura,
You can use the following code to add select a specific choice option in Multiple Choice field:

fd.field('ChoiceCheckboxes').value.push("Enter Choice #1");