Trigger :


Just one question.

Default, the trigger for assignement notification : " Notification: Assignee - Assignment "

is [AssignedTo] <> '' and [AssignedTo] <> [Editor] and [Prev::AssignedTo] <> [AssignedTo]

This trigger send an e-mail to the assigned person except the editor of the ticket is the assigned person ? That's correct ?

I have not problem wit this but, il want make a new trigger to notifie to the requester his ticket are assignee. and i use this.

But this is not ok.

[AssignedTo] <> '' and [AssignedTo] <> [Prev::AssignedTo] <> [AssignedTo]

Do you have some idea for me ?

OK !

I understand !!

the correct code is :

[AssignedTo] <> '' and [AssignedTo] <> [AssignedTo]


Thank you for sharing your solution!