Add DropDown box INSIDE datatable control as a lookup field for Sharepoint List

Hi All,

I want to add DropDown inside data table that is populated with the another list title columns.

we know how to add Normal DropDown control loading with static values and also load dynamic values.

The following code is add & loading normal DropDown with other list column values using pnp JS code:

fd.spRendered(function() {
var varcolTitle=[];
//Getting other list name is BroadBandPricing
for(var i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++)
var varcolTitle=allItems[i].Title;
fd.field('ddlInternetPlan').widget.setDataSource({data: [varcolTitle]});
//loading values into DropDown controls

is it Possible to add DropDown inside datatable to load another list column values?

we are using sharepoint online with plumsail form version.

Dear @karthi,
Unfortunately, there are no methods available for the DataTable to define dropdown contents with the JS at the moment. It's likely to be added in the future!

If you want to speed up the process, please, write us to (I think we're already in contact) and we can discuss the options!