I want to show the average value of a group of rows in Linear Gauge chart. Let me explain the requirement further in an example, I have a field in a list called percent done and the list is grouped by project name, for every project I have the average of the field percent done on the list and I want to show the average value of the field percent done in a Linear Gauge chart.
Hi! Group data by 'Project Code' in the DataSource -> Aggregation and add an aggregation field, say, 'Aver' = "average" of "percent_field_name". Next, pick this field in Dashboard -> Chart. Please, note that Linear Gauge displays values from the first group only. Do you need to visualize overall average of all items in the list or for each group separately?
Hi YuriyMedvedev,
I want for each group separately, in this example as you can see in the picture I want it for project AWA-003 only. Not all projects.
This has been resolved by adding below changes to the chart configuration.
I have used below code in CAML Query for filtering data on the list.
Used below code in Advance Aggregation for percentage
handlers.aggregationSuccess = function(data, logger) {
data.groups[0].Average = data.groups[0].Average * 100;
return true;