Batch edit SharePoint List items with a 'Edit-form'

Hi there!

After doing a bit of searching on the Community forum and in the documentation, I didn't find any mention of the possibility of editing multiple items in a SharePoint list within the list view using a custom Plumsail 'Edit' form:


Whenever I press Edit on a multiple selection of items, the Plumsail Edit-form for the first item in the selection pops-up.

Do you offer a batch-editing (similar batch-edit capability to what SharePoint has OTB) using a Plumsail 'Edit' form in a list view selection?

Best regards,

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Hello @tryggvik,

Plumsail Forms doesn't support bulk editing yet. We are planning to implement this in the future, but there is no release date yet.

If you need the bulk editing functionality outright, we can offer paid support. Please email us at for more details.


Alright, thanks for the heads up @mnikitina :slight_smile: