Best way to create order form

I am trying to convert an excel document into a form using Plumsail forms
The idea is that the user can select an item from a category, and then based on that selection, they select an item, and based on that selection other fields are populated, such as price and lead time.
I thought I coudl do this with a data table, as users will need to add multiple items but I don't know how I would link the colums in the data table to the list that contains the item information.
Any ideas? Here's what the excel sheet looks like

Hello @Amys_Turtlgal,

You can do this either using List or Library control. Please see the example here.

Or using DataTable control. You can find set up instruction in the documentation here.

Thank you, in regards to the section about data forms here... Where does this code go ? In the JS tab?

Finally, here's the code to load values from other fields, filter Category column by selected License field value, and filter Products column by selected Category:

fd.spRendered(function() {
fd.control('DataTable1').$on('edit', function(e) {
if (e.column.field === 'Category') {
//pass widget + current Cat


Yes, you need to paste the code to JS editor here:

Please make sure that in the code you use the internal names of fields and controls.