Cascading drop down list on data table of a public web form

Hi, I have to insert into a Data Table of a Public Web Form a classic drop down list like
Column1: Country
Column2: City
Column3: Service Point

I need a cascading filter system because i have 550 rows.

I lookup on the forum community, but i didn't find anything, only code for sharepoint form.

I try this one, but it's not working:

//DTV is a Data Table
fd.control('DTV').$on('edit', function(e) {

            data: ['Value A', 'Value B', 'Value C']
            data: ['Value2 A', 'Value2 B', 'Value2 C']


Dear @gaigam,
That's an interesting request. We do have some basic cases of working with Data Table in our docs - Work with Data Table using JS on Plumsail Forms (public forms) — Public web forms

The cascading functionality is not there yet, though, as it can be a little challenging to implement. Should be possible, you can check out Kendo UI Grid on which the Data Table is based and use it's API to implement this functionality - jQuery Grid Documentation | Configuration, Methods, Events | Kendo UI for jQuery

Now, this might be tricky, so we can offer paid support to help implement this functionality for you. We'd also love to have such a case available in our documentation, so we'll offer a reasonable price. If you're interested, let us know what you need at

Hello @Nikita_Kurguzov, has something changed in this case? I also need cascading dropdown list on data table of a public web form. I was looking for a form solution to collect graphic design orders in our company. Today I found your site and it looked like it has everything I need. The only problem is cascading drop down lists in data table. I'd be grateful for information. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Dear @Pawel,
No developments yet on this functionality yet, but there have been many other changes, many implemented as paid support. If you're interested, we'd still be able to offer a reasonable price for this functionality.

You can contact us at to discuss what you need and potential implementation.