Close form after save without reloading/redirecting to a side


is it possible to directly close the edit form panel after saving without any redirect/reload?

Unfortunately, this won't do the trick:
fd.spSaved(function() {

If I try it within in the console fd.close() just works fine.

Thank you!

Dear @mrFaulwurf ,
What redirect do you mean? If an edit form form is opened in a panel, it shouldn't redirect/reload:

Dear @Nikita_Kurguzov,

thank you for your quick answer. Seems like helpdesk forms are somewhat special:

Helpdesk edit forms "reopen" after save. Possible to change that?

Thank you!

Dear @mrFaulwurf,
Hmm, normally, they shouldn't:

Are you sure your form is not pinned?

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Oh damn it, you are right again.
Thank you! #close