Good day
when i use window.fd=fd;
another users can edit from console my fields.(if i disabled them, they can enable them etc.) Is it a way to prevent this?
Because they want to destroy forms and to tell that developers maked something wrong:)
In russian language: Рабы издавна ломали свои инструменты,чтобы не работать:)) It's actual nowadays. Is it a way to have some log about changing in console? to find which user make it?
thank you for replay
User can't change the form for all users from the console, only for his current session. If someone is complaining and you can't reproduce the case - that the user you are looking for.
If you want to track changes of the form, you can enable versioning for the SitePages library to track who and when changed the form.
User can't change the form for all users from the console, only for his current session
I understand that, but in case when piece of form is blocked from with information from previos users, current can open this fields , change some info and save it. after that telling to support that he didn't do anything, and it's a bag in form. that's why a asked you about this. it seems that without window.fd=fd - user can't modify fields - console errors about fd undifinied