Convert to PDF type mismatch (docx to PDF, xlsx to PDF, PPTX to PDF)

Hi Experts,
I'm trying to convert multiple document type format to PDF based on certain condition in Power Automate. During this, I found the Convert to PDF type is giving PDF content output in different way.

For example, to fetch the Docx to PDF output, I need to use outputs('DOCX_TO_PDF')?['body/fileContent'] and for XLSX / PPTX to PDF output, I need to use outputs('PPTX_TO_PDF')?['body'].

Please let someone clarify there is a difference on this?

Docx to PDF


Docx to PDF output variables

In the screenshot, you can refer the Docx to PDF is having additional output as Result file but it is not appearing for XLSX / PPTX to PDF format.


Hello @murali,

There is no need to use a specific expression to fetch the Convert DOCx to PDF output. It provides only one option by default. The same goes for other conversion actions

Best Regards,
Plumsail team

I'm trying to get the PDF output dynamically based on some condition and merge the PDF output with other PDF document.
I tried the below logic and I found the difference after a while.

if(equals(outputs('File_Extension'),'docx'),outputs('DOCX_TO_PDF')?['body/fileContent'],if(equals(outputs('File_Extension'),'xlsx'),outputs('XLSX_TO_PDF')?['body'],if(equals(outputs('File_Extension'),'pptx'),outputs('PPTX_TO_PDF')?['body'],if (equals(outputs('File_Extension'),'pdf'),outputs('Get_attachment_content')?['body'],null))))