Create a vehicle reservation system within Plumsail forms

Hey all,

I'm trying to create a vehicle reservation system with Plumsail forms.

I'm fiddling around with editing the code of the tutorial for the room reservation system in Plumsail (Create SharePoint form for booking a meeting room — SharePoint forms) but that didn't work so far.

Basically I have two lists:

  • List A: Reservations with name, reservationFrom, reservationTo, numberPlate (lookup from List B)

  • List B: Vehicles with numberPlate, vehicleTyp

What I'm trying to do is the following:

  • Employee creates an entry into the Reservations List and sets Name, reservationFrom, reservationTo and can't set numberPlate
  • Approver edits the above entry as soon as he gets a mail from workflow. He can now only edit the lookup field 'number plate'. There should only be number plates available that are not already reserved.

Does anyone have an idea how that could be done?

Hello @JonHebbe,

This is a pretty complex case.

Would you consider a paid support? We can help you out with this case. Please email us at to know the details.

Thank you, in the meanwhile the company decided for another solution.

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