Using the default PDF button (not a custom button) I want the filename of the PDF generated to be: "Review" & [Dept] & [Period]
So, basically, some text concatenated to two fields.
How do I do that?
Using the default PDF button (not a custom button) I want the filename of the PDF generated to be: "Review" & [Dept] & [Period]
So, basically, some text concatenated to two fields.
How do I do that?
Hi @peter.harrison,
The out-of-the-box SharePoint PDF button isn't easily configured. It's much simpler to replace it with a custom button:
fd.spRendered(() => {
let customPDFButton = { // create a custom button that resembles the default one
icon: 'PDF',
class: 'btn-outline-primary',
style: 'border-width: 0px;',
location: 1,
click: () => {
fd.exportToPDF('"Review" & ' + fd.field('Department').value + ' & ' + fd.field('Period').value);
fd.toolbar.buttons.splice(2, 1, customPDFButton); // replace the default button
fd.pdfExportOptions = { // Set PDF export options for A4 Landscape
paperSize: 'A4',
landscape: true,
scale: 1,
margin: {
top: '10mm',
bottom: '10mm',
left: '10mm',
right: '10mm'
forcePageBreak: '.page-break' // Add page breaks at specified elements