Data location for Split PDF files in Power Automate


When the Split PDF files action is used in Power Automate, does the content of the document being split get stored or pass through any data centres outside of the location of the Microsoft 365 tenant?


Hi @Joe_Fox,

Plumsail Documents collects very few information about customers - only subscription email is required for license validation. After installing Plumsail Documents, the only data that we are gathering from you is application logs from the system.

Whenever your data is in transit between you and us, everything is encrypted and sent using HTTPS. Data at rest is encrypted using AES 256 bit standards (one of the strongest block ciphers available) with keys managed by Azure Storage Service Encryption. Data in transit is encrypted with SSL/TLS protocols.

So, it's transferred when being processed but not kept on the servers. Please also check this article.

Data protection and security

Best regards,
Plumsail team