Display another list fields in popup and save within single form

Hello @mnikitina,
Here in ss,

Thanks for look into this.

Hello @mnikitina,
Does it seem like list or library control is not ready/load after complete spRender?
i am facing above plus one more problem for that, here i write my code below and attached screenshot,
it is terrible because while i get one error for this, my all forms rules are not working, even the code user above for filter is also not working, as a security and performance, it creates problem.
Please find code below,

    function calcTotal() {

      var value = fd.control('Contracts').widget.dataItems();

      var total = 0;
      if (value) {
        for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
          if (value[i].MyTUMid == fd.field('Mytumlogin').value) {
            if (value[i].Hours)
              //total += parseInt(value[i].Hours.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""));
              //we get number as (comma) , and we have to convert it as . (dot)
              var decimalPoint = value[i].Hours.replace(",", ".");
            total += parseFloat(decimalPoint);
      fd.field('TotalHoursActiveContracts').value = total;

function filterDT(dt) {

  dt.filter = "<Contains><FieldRef Name='MyTUMid'/><Value Type='Text'>"

    + fd.field('Mytumlogin').value + "</Value></Contains>";



    var myVar = setInterval(calcTotal, 2000);
dtContract.ready().then(function (dt) {


Above code, I am using to count hours from list or library control and simple filtration.

the error I am getting while using the above code.

Please lookinto this, let me know if there is problem from my end.


Hello @harshp924,

You are calling calcTotal function outside of the ready event. Please try out the following code:

fd.control('Contracts').ready().then(function (dt) {
    var myVar = setInterval(calcTotal, 2000);

Thanks @mnikitina,
i was try below and it works...!
function calcTotal() {
fd.control('Contracts').ready().then(function(dt) {
//dt parameter is the same as fd.control('SPDataTable0')
var datalibrary = dt.widget.dataItems();
var total=0;
for(var i=0;i<datalibrary.length;i++){
var decimalPoint = datalibrary[i].Hours.replace(",", ".");
total += parseFloat(decimalPoint);
fd.field('TotalHoursActiveContracts').value = total;

I want to know that in spRender method it is good to use more than one Ready event? is it best practice vice ok or not?


Hello @harshp924,

I'm glad its working now!

You can add as many ready events for the control as required by your code.

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