Display Date & Time on PDF sheet


I want to put a Date and Time stamp to appear on the form (top header/footer) when users export the form as PDF.

Could you please provide me with the correct CSS/HTML?

Thank you!

Hello @DryChips,

You can add a date and time stamp to the header or footer using the same approach as for page numbering described here.

You just need to update the code a bit, declare a variable with the current date and time like this:

<script type="x/kendo-template" id="page-template">
                var theDate = new Date().toDateString() + ' ' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString();

            <div class="page-template">
                <div class="header">
                <div style="float: right">#=theDate#</div>

Awesome, thank you!

I have tried using the code you provided in the HTML control but it doesn't seem to have worked.

I used this code alongside this JS code:

fd.pdfOptions = {
    landscape: true,
    template: $("#page-template").html()

I have also placed this CSS code in as well:

.page-template .header {
    top: 20px;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000;

Here is an image of my form:
I would like to place the date and time in the top left of the page


What code you've pasted to the HTML control? Please share it.

Here is my code:
I modified it to reduce any unnecessary clutter

<script id="datetime">
    var theDate = new Date().toDateString() + ' ' + new Date().tolocaleTimeString();
    <div class ="datetime">
    <div class ="header">
    <div style = "float:left">#theDate#</div>


You need to define the paper size and margins, please add this code to the JS editor:

fd.pdfOptions = {
    paperSize: 'A4',
    margin: '10 mm',
    landscape: true,
    template: $("#page-template").html()


Nothing seems to have happened, unfortunately. I changed my code back to the one you provided initially:

<script type="x/kendo-template" id="page-template">
                var theDate = new Date().toDateString() + ' ' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
            <div class="page-template">
                <div class="header">
                <div style="float: left">#=theDate#</div>

I put this code in the JS Editor:

fd.pdfOptions = {
    paperSize: 'A4',
    margin: '10 mm',
    landscape: true,
    template: $("#page-template").html()

Nothing appears at all on the export. One of the properties in the fd.pdfOptions code has messed up my PDF document view on export. it looks like this:

Compared to before, where everything was on one sheet:



You need to define the paper size and margins to display the date in a header.

You can define any paper size and orientation, please find more information here.

Do you have any custom CSS for a PDF file? Comment it out and test the export.
Or try adding a date to the header on a blank form.