Display error in the design of mobile forms

I have a problem with the display of the form on mobile devices.

On computers it looks perfectly and is responsive but on cell phones the following happens:

(I want it to be viewed in full screen)

I do not know, if I should add some code in CSS so that this does not happen since the responsive thing does not work even if it does it with grid-type fields.

Thank you very much, I hope any help

Hello @belen_costantin,

What OS is on your phone? What browser are you using?

Please share the form link, I will test it on my side.

The operating system is android, I tested on several cell phones with the same operating system, only one (chrome browser) looks good. In the Samsung Browser that comes by default, I know that it does not work well.


Thank you, I am looking forward to your response


Thank you for the link! I see the same issue when viewing the form.

Do you have any custom CSS on the form? Have you created an additional view for the Phone?

If I have created a form design especially for cell phones and another for pc or tablets but I only manage with the interface of the plumsail designer, using grid containers (I did not place CSS in the mobile form because I do not know what configuration I should add)


Please export the form for the phone and share it. I suppose that the issue might be in grid settings.

Then I attach the json! Thanks

Formulario Cliente CC (0) (1).json (30.1 KB)

Hello @belen_costantin,

There is no need to define the width of the fields' title, control, and grid containers:

This way you fix the width of the content, and the form is no longer responsive. Leave the width properties blank and the content will fit the mobile device screen: