Display form into PDF

Hi, I am on SP 2013 and we are using Plumsail Sharepoint Form Designer. I need to convert display forms into PDF and save them. Is that possible?

Dear @katy,
Yeah, sure, refer to this article - https://spform.com/printing/printing-sharepoint-forms-exporting-pdf

This community is dedicated to Plumsail Forms though, which is a different product. For a community dedicated to Forms Designer, please, refer here - https://spform.com/forum/

Thank you @Nikita_Kurguzov !
Sorry, i only posted here as i thought i will be doing it with workflow and Action Pack ( i saw some PDF related actions there.)

Dear @katy,
No problem, just don't want to confuse other users if they look for solution :slight_smile: This should be enough, you don't really need Workflow Action Pack for this. Maybe if you want to do something advanced with this PDF - then sure, but just exporting should work out of the box.