Docx and HTML issues


I am trying using power automate to "Create DOCX document from template". I have a docx that looks like this:

{{FirstName}:html} {{LastName}:html} {{MiddleName}:html} {{FatherName}:html} {{MotherName}:html} {{MaiddenName}:html} {{DOB}:html} {{PlaceofBirth}:html} {{PESEL}:html} {{Nationality}:html}

The template data is like this:

But the result is as follow.

Obywatelstwo: Polskie
PESEL: 1122334455666
Miejsce urodzenia: Koszalin
Data urodzenia: 1900-01-01
Imię ojca: Janusz
Imię matki: Ewa
Drugie imie: Piotr
Nazwisko: Doe
Imię: John

The order from the document is not kept.

Hello @Sebski,

I tried to reproduce it with my docx template but it works ok, the initial order in the document is kept.

Please share your docx sample and copy the JSON so I can try to reproduce it with your documents.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi @Petr

Attached all 3 documents, the input file, the result file and the JSON.

json.txt (1.7 KB) DataChange.docx (90.8 KB) Kwestionariusz Osoboty.docx (95.7 KB)

Hi @Sebski,

It could be fixed if youplace the tags in a column. I attached the corrected document.

Kwestionariusz Osoboty.docx (95.9 KB)

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi @Petr

That works, the reason I have this in all 1 line is that the result is like this:

It adds a new line between each rows.
That's why I did put it that way.

When I put it in an array like this I have the same issue.

Finally when you put the html tag in a sentence for example

The template: image
The result is like this

The reason I use the html tag is to format the data.

Hi @Sebski,

Unfortunately the issue is nown and the order is not kept when you place it as you described initially.
We 're working on a fix but I can't say the due date.

I guess it adds the extra line because of the

tag in the source HTML?

Best regards,
Plumsail team


Is there another way to format the text other than html?

Hi @Sebski,

What if the format will be done in the docx template itself?

For example, place the tags into a tbale, make the table cells borders invisible.

How do you think?

Best regards,
Plumsail team