I have a sharepoint date field that I want limit in a specific date range based on the actual year plus 10 years.
Example: today is 03/12/2024 and my field must accept only date until 03/12/2034.
How I can achieve that?
Thank you in advance.
Hi @stefano.mazzi,
You can use this example from our documentation. The code should look something like this:
fd.rendered(() => {
let minDate = new Date();
let maxDate = new Date();
maxDate.setFullYear(maxDate.getFullYear() + 10);
fd.field('DateField').widgetOptions = {
min: new Date(minDate),
max: new Date(maxDate)
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Thank you @IliaLazarevskii
If I wanted to allow to enter document with a date less than today, how should I do it?
minDate.setFullYear(minDate.getFullYear() - 5);
Thank you.