We are finding that many employees do not show up in the Org chart. I have it set to connect to the Profile service. My filter is setup as follows:
//You can get field values like this: itemData[“Department”]
//Example: return itemData[“Department”] == “Marketing”;
return itemData[“SPS-HideFromAddressLists”] != “True”;
return true;
I have tried to add the missing user to the script by appending the following line:
Of course this fix does not scale well as we are finding more and more users missing. On a separate site collection I installed the native Organization Browser and we do not have this issue. In addition I installed a trial version of another Organization Chart app from the app store and this too worked. I can see the missing users in SharePoint and their profiles are visible but the only place I cannot find them either by search or navigating is in the Plumsail app. Any help would be appreciated.