Error: Unable to resolve the form URL

I've created a list on a site with quiet limited access rights. The list itself has access rights that allows everyone only to see and edit his own records.

I've then created a Plumsail Form for this list (New) and embedded it with the Forms Webpart on a public page.

The idea is that it should be a Form that can be used by everyone, but the results should be very limited/hidden.

Now, when I try to use it with a "normal" user, the webpart only shows the error message:
"An error has occured while rendering the form. Error: Unable to resolve the form URL."

Whats the trick, which permission am I missing?

Hello @weckmann,

Please answer the below questions to have a more clear picture of the case.

Which form type is selected in the web part?

Can users open the form from the list directly?

Do users have at least visitor permission to the library that stores Forms?

Form type: SharePoint
Open from list directly: No, 404 error
Visitor permissions: Yes

But the second question was a big help for me:
Now I see the problem: it's a multi-language problem:

The path of the form aspx contains a folder called "Item":

And for some users that have German as their profile language he is trying to use "Element" instead of "Item" and therefore get a 404 error...

How or where can I fix this behaviour??


You can either design form for both English and German languages or set English as the default language and leave the English form version only.

Please find more information and instructions in the Forms for different languages within one site article.

OK I understand:
The site has default language German at the moment, but my personal account is set to english, and since it was me that has created the form, the form's language is english and no standard-user will be able to use it.

This is really bad multi-language support, very annoying...
At least I found out that you can save a lot of extra effort (re-doing all forms) by simple renaming folder and files from "...item..." to "...element...". Or open the forms editor with the old language, keep it open, change the account language (wait up to 15 min (!!) to take effect) and then save the form in the editor. It will then create the new files with the localized content type name. But you should still delete the old files otherwise you will have to maintain both versions, which is even more annoying.

It would really be a great added value of Plumsail to extend the editor to manage multi-language forms without having to switch the own accounts language.

Thanks however for pointing me to the (annoying) solution :wink:


There is an easier way to migrate the form from one language to another.

There is no need to design form from scratch. You can Export the designed form and Import it for the desired language.


And to not wait 15 mins until a new account language is applied, you can disable all alternate languages except the one you want to design forms for in Site Settings >> Language Settings.

It is also recommended to disable all alternate languages to avoid situations when the form is missing because of account language of the user differs from the form language.

@mnikitina I am having the same problem. I tried creating a new item from list but default form is opening not the plumsail one and on web part I am facing
An error has occured while rendering the form.
Error: Unable to resolve form settings.

Hello @Ramiz,

Do you mean you've edited the page with the default form?

Could you please share the screenshot of the page where you are getting the error. Thank you!