Field Periodically Displaying Wrong Value Specifically in Chrome

We have a status field on a request form that drives the visibility and behavior of controls on the form itself as a request makes its way through the various stages of the request process. This field is a drop-down/choice field and its value is maintained through JavaScript in the form (a user clicks a button to submit the form and the status changes on submit).

For some users the value in this field is periodically incorrectly displayed specifically within in Chrome, even though the data in the underlying list is correct. This then prevents the users from moving the requests along because the incorrect status value causes the wrong buttons/fields to appear for the actual current status. The workaround for this issue is to direct them to use Microsoft Edge, where we have not encountered this issue at all.

On the last appearance of this issue yesterday I had the user clear their browser cache and then also do a full reboot of their machine for good measure, but the problem persisted for them (again, just in Chrome). I confirmed that the value for the field in the list was correct and that the value displayed on the form in Chrome was incorrect.

My question is: has anyone encountered similar behavior where a field just does not display the correct data for a field in Chrome, specifically a field whose value changes at each step of a process? And if so, is there anything that can be done to prevent/fix this issue?

One thing to note, we recently had to add a few new statuses to support some process changes. Is it possible that after adding new choices in SharePoint that Chrome is somehow holding on to incorrect/previous data for that field?

Hello @jeff.furletti,

Welcome to Plumsail Community!

Please make sure that autofill in Chrome is disabled for users who encounter this problem.

If that want help, do you change the Status field value on form load? Is the Status field disabled or in read-only mode?

Thanks @mnikitina, I will check to make sure autofill is disabled, although I don't think that's the issue, as it seemed to not be a consistent thing. Also, I had encountered the same issue a few times and confirmed that autofill was not enabled.

The status itself is changed via JavaScript as part of the Form Save action and I confirmed that the data is being correctly saved to the list. The field is generally hidden on form load from the user, although for debugging purposes I did make it visible at all times which didn't seem to fix it.

I do wonder if there isn't something with it being a dropdown column and the fact that we had added some additional values to the field options. I'm not sure how Chrome caches that sort of information or anything like that or if there's a way to force a specific field to refresh itself at form load, but any insight would be appreciated.



What code exactly are you using to change the status field value? Perhaps the code changes field value on form load.

Try commenting out all custom code and see if the problem persists.