File storage in Plumsail

We would like to know if the following file is possible with Plumsail: (I believe items 1 - is possible, not sure about the rest).

1 - Submit Form
2 - Make HTML file from content
3 - Convert File to PDF
4 - Upload file to Plumsail Store (PDF or HTML)
5 - Generate shared link to file hosted in Plumsail

We can use this option with OneDrive as we found a bug in Android version of OneDrive that forces users to authenticate even though the link is anonymous.

We were wondering if Plumn provides file storage capacity and we could handle the scenario above.

Hello @adasilva,

You can generate PDF from Plumsail Form with MS Power Automate, please find more information here.

We don't provide storage. But you can save the PDF file to OneDrive, SharePoint, DropBox, etc.

Thank you, the Power Automate conversion to PDF is buggy. It randomly fails.

Hello @adasilva,

You can try out Plumsail Documents to generate PDF documents from a DOCX template. Please find the instructions here.

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