Filter Look up with a &&

This is not my week for filtering I am filtering a lookup as below this works but I also want to filter this by && Archive !='No' but this part of the filter does not seem to apply can you help?

fd.spRendered(function() {
fd.field('Requisition').filter = "HRStatus eq 'HR Processing'"||"HRStatus eq 'Approved'"||"HRStatus eq 'Send Email'"||"HRStatus eq 'Open/Active'";

    var template = '';
	template += '<span сlass="lookup-col">';
	template += '<p сlass="lookup-title"> #: data.LookupValue # </p>';
	template += '<p class="lookup-desc">#: data.Id ? "  " + data.Id : "" #</p>';
    fd.field('Requisition').widgetOptions = {
        template: template,
	   height: 400,
       virtual: {
           itemHeight: 100



Hello @jktodd007,

Please try out the following filter statement and make sure that you've listed the Archive filed in Lookup Settings >> Extra fields.

fd.field('Requisition').filter = "(HRStatus eq 'HR Processing' or HRStatus eq 'Approved' or HRStatus eq 'Send Email' orHRStatus eq 'Open/Active') and Archive ne 'No'";