Filter Lookup Values with Or Operator


I have a Plumsail Lookup with the extra field JobNumber.
I am filtering based on that field.
It contains either a number e.g. "2000093" or the text "General".
I'd like General choices to always be available.

Here is my code:

//Filter based on selected JobNumber always including General

function filterSWMS(Jobnumber) {
    var JobNumberSelected = Jobnumber;
    fd.field('SelectSWMS').filter = "substringof('" + JobNumberSelected + "', JobNumber) or substringof('" + General + "', JobNumber)";

Each part of the filter works by itself. However, I can't figure out the correct syntax to use the Or operator.

Thanks Adam

Hello @AdamSmith,

Could you please share the screenshot of your data in the source list so I could have the complete picture.

Thank you!

Hi @mnikitina,

No worries, Thanks for taking a look.

Here is the source List:

Users must enter a job number:

Then they will select a SWMS document: (Here is current filtered Lookup, I'd like General to be choices too)

Not all Jobs have a SWMS document, in that case the user would select the appropriate General document.

The list will become long.

I'm really enjoying pushing forms to the limit!



Thank you for providing details!

Please try out the below code. Make sure that you are using the internal names of the fields and columns in the code.

function filterSWMS() {
    var jobNumber = fd.field('JobProjectNumber').value;
    fd.field('SelectSWMS').filter = "JobNumber eq 'General' or JobNumber eq " + jobNumber;

fd.spRendered(function() {

     //filter when job number entered 
    fd.field('JobProjectNumber').$on('change', function(){
        fd.field('SelectSWMS').ready().then(function() {

    //filter when form opens
    fd.field('SelectSWMS').ready().then(function() {
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@mnikitina Thank you very much!

That produces the desired result.


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