Flow error when creating ticket with attachments from Microsoft Form

Hi, I am trying to use Microsoft Flow/PowerAutomate to create new tickets with support for attachments. I am using this guide for help, but one major difference is I am trying to use Microsoft Forms, not Plumsail Forms.

My Flow is erroring out on the Plumsail Create Ticket action with this error:

I am using the same process from the aforementioned guide, but I'm clearly putting the wrong data or values in the "AttachmentContent" field.

Can you tell me how I can successfully create new tickets with attachments that originate from a Microsoft Form?

Hello! When you compose the attachment object, it is necessary to pass the file content while you did the link to the file. Please configure your flow as follows:

In the HelpDesk action, switch to the input of the entire array and pass the variable that contains the array of attachment objects:
