**Follow up questions from my Info Sec Team**


My InfoSec Team has a few follow-up questions prior to finalizing their decision to move forward with Plumsail. Please see below:

  1. Can you provide the name of the third party vendor that performed your last penetration test?

  2. When was the last test completed and the frequency of PEN testing?

  3. What data is stored in the EU? To clarify, is data from the form(s) stored in the EU? This is important as some forms we intend to create will require PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data, please describe what data is stored.

Thank you,

Jason Jones

Hello @JLloyd10,

We will answer your questions in reply to your email sent to support@plumsail.com.

Thank you! I figured email would be better for the nature of the request. Thank you again...


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Hello, my organization is interested in these same questions as well. Also, is Plumsail just a framework and application so that all data remains with our organization, or is some data stored outside of our organization?

Thank you,

Hello @aaronO,

Welcome to pLumsail Community!

Please send security related questions to support@plumsail.com. Please mention in what product you are interested: Pubic or SharePoint forms.