For some reason I cannot transfer my ink image generated from the list item generate by Plumsail form


I am trying to use the plumsail form to customize my SharePoint list form and use the customized form to insert an ink (signature) to the list item (stored in multi-line plain text column). Now I get it stored.

My business logic require me to generated a word document with the list item as well as the ink image to populate a word template. I've tried several times by following the guidance of formal plumsail document and forms. I also need to populate a logo image which was stored in a sharepoint document library into the same word template, both via Microsoft Flow.

However, I use the {{clientlogo}:picture(100,75)} and {{sendersignoff}:picture(300,200)} to populate these two fields. In the Microsoft Flow, I use "Create DOCX Document from Template" and the formula "base64(body('Get_Client_Logo'))" to make the decoding to image into word in the template JSON data part.

For the client logo stored in the document library, I successfully get it to my word template. But for the ink image stored in the list item. I only get the base64 code string like below:

Also I get quite headache for populating the 'rich-text' sharepoint list field to word template. I've tried the 'HTML to TEXT' from Microsoft Flow but some formatting are missing and all pictures from the rich text data are missing but replaced with a sharepoint image URI. Is there any guidance for this as well? Thanks!

Hi @aliyunrobot,

So, you apply the converting base64() for both Client logo and the signature. In case of client logo you can insert it into docx template but not with the signature. Could you share the client log base 64 working example?

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team

Hi Petr,

Yes, thanks, it works, using the base64() and also need to use substring() to trim the real base64 code for the ink picture then it works. Thanks!

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Hi @aliyunrobot

Would you mind sharing a snippet of how you trimmed of the first part of the base64 code please?