Form Panel title


I'm migrating my Forms Designer forms to Forms and don't understand the behavior of the "Form Panel Title".
In the past the panel showed me the element title as title. Now Forms only shows the standard labels like "DisplayForm", "EditForm".
Can i personalize this by javascript or something?

Old vs. new:

Thank you.

Dear @Hagrid,
That's a very interesting way of opening a form, I've not seen it before... Can you tell me more about where you open it? I want to know where the classic UI ribbon comes from.

And what's the version of SharePoint that you're running it on? SharePoint Online or On-Premises?

Hi @Nikita_Kurguzov,

We're using SharePoint online. Just to be sure:
The screenshot shows the old form (Forms Designer) vs. the new form (Forms).

I'm clicking the "title (Hyperlink to edit)" column and the dialog form opens.

Dear @Hagrid,
Okay, I see, that makes sense. Still, where does the DisplayForm message comes from? From what I can see on our test tenant, such name should not be present:

Hi @Nikita_Kurguzov

that's interesting. I don't know. I thought, it would be a standard behavoir. I tried it with different (standard) forms. The css (please look at "h1 title"....):


we found out (through another problem) that it is due to the "classic list experience" of Sharepoint. Changing to the "new experience" solved the problem.