Form Routing: Am I doing this right

Am I doing this right? I change the people field name to my field name but it still isn't redirecting the form?

if (item) {
//first, get the current user
var user;
// return Promise
return web.currentUser.get()
    .then(function(u) {
        user = u;
        return item.get();
    .then(function(item) {
        //if field People contains current user's ID
        if(item.Director && item.Director.indexOf(user.Id) >= 0){
            //return ID of a Form Set
            return 'ca9f17f4-dbf9-416d-8e68-9257cd35e7cd';

Hello @smithme,

The code is fine. But there is one trick.

To get the value of the People Picker field, you need to add Id to its Internal name. So the code will be the following:

if (item) {
//first, get the current user
var user;
// return Promise
return web.currentUser.get()
    .then(function(u) {
        user = u;
        return item.get();
    .then(function(item) {
        //if field People contains current user's ID
        if(item.DirectorId && item.DirectorId.indexOf(user.Id) >= 0){
            //return ID of a Form Set
            return 'ca9f17f4-dbf9-416d-8e68-9257cd35e7cd';
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Thank you very much! It works great.

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