Forwarding to editor view when an element is opened


As soon as I want to open an element, the edit view should be opened.
Thats my code so far. But it isn´t working.

if (fd.formType == 'Display'){
var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
var itemId = result.Id;

          result.RedirectUrl = ""+ itemId;

Best regards

Hello @Sternchen,

Please use this code to redirect users from display to edit form:

var itemId = fd.itemId; 
var listID = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
window.location.href = '' + listID + "&ID=" + itemId;

I tried your code but I don´t know what to change in the url.
Thats the URL when I edit an element.
So I changed your code to this. I don´t us the ListID.

window.location.href = '' +itemId;


I updated the code for you:

var itemId = fd.itemId; 
var listID = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
window.location.href = '' + listID + "&ID=" + itemId;