Get element Internal Name


Is it possible to get the InternalName of the element by JavaScript code ?
For example I have an accordion and I have to do something with some control by his Internal Name.

var accModules = window.fd.container(accordionName).$children;
for (var m = 0; m < moduleList.length; m++) {
    var childs = accModules[m].$children;    
	for (var j = 0; j < childs.length; j++) {          		
		// check InternalName

The scope is to show or hide controls (for example, buttons) which were indicated in the special SharePoint list for configurations.

I solved my issue by using css class from the controls and JQuery-selector:

       for (var i = 0; i < arrShowCss.length; i++) {
           $("." + arrShowCss[i]).show();
       for (var j = 0; j < arrHideCss.length; j++) {
          $("." + arrHideCss[j]).hide();

     arrShowCss - the array of css style from controls need to show
     arrHideCss - the array of css style from controls need to hide
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