Hide Button on List Control Before Render

Hi. I am hiding the Add Button in list control but when the form loads the New Button appears momentarily and then disappears as it should. I tried spBeforeRender but still the same happens so that is hidden before the form is rendered but does not work.

My code is below

fd.spBeforeRender(function() {
    fd.control('SPDataTable1').ready().then(function(dt) {
            if(button.icon == "Add") {
                button.visible = false

Dear @geolouca,
You can hide it with custom CSS, like so:

.fd-form .fd-sp-datatable-wrapper .fd-sp-datatable-toolbar .btn.btn-primary{
    display: none;

Then show it with jQuery, example on timeout of 2s:

fd.spRendered(function() {
    setTimeout(() => {
        $('.fd-form .fd-sp-datatable-wrapper .fd-sp-datatable-toolbar .btn.btn-primary').show();
    }, 2000);