How to acccess a PDF Form Radio Button Control Group using Ms Flow

We are trying to access a PDF Form where we have multiple group radiobutton controls in this format
Where the control name in the PDF is A1 and the group within the control are: Yes, No, NA
We need help with the JSON on how to address the fields within the group.
Right now we are using


But it only works if the answer is yes.


Hello @gmonne1

Could you provide the flow screenshots, the pdf form example and the JSON? I'll try to reproduce it on my side.

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team

Hello Petr,
Attached is the pdf example as well as the JSON

Compliance Form Final V7.pdf (1.8 MB)
ComplianceJSON.txt (1.4 KB)

Hello @gmonne1,

There is indeed seems to be an issue with addressing the radio button groups. Currently we're researching the issue. I'll post the result here a bit later. Thanks for waiting!

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team