How To Edit The Title of Browser Tab From The Plumsail Forms?

Hello all,

I would like to know, how can I edit the title of browser tab (as screenshot attached) from the Plumsail form? The tab's title is somehow set by default to its SharePoint list and Plumsail form upon deployment and I wish to change it with different title's name as this is requested by my client. I was wondering if is it possible to make changes on it with less effort and without causing any headaches to modify anything much on the SP list or the Forms.

Usually in web development, we can just easily edit it from HTML title tag code,
but in this case of Plumsail Forms Designer, there's no HTML code can be viewed but GUI form and JS code only. So is there any way or quick trick that can help me edit the browser tab's title with least effort?

I know this is very trivial issue or request but I hope there's a simplest way to do it.

Can you help me please?

Thank you!

Hi @mhm_alpha68.

I use the following JS code to achieve this:

setInterval(function() {document.title = "Custom browser tab title";},1000);

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Hello @mhm_alpha68,

Welcome to Plumsail Community!

Or you can try out this code:

fd.spRendered(function() {
   setTimeout(function(){ document.title = "Title!"; }, 1000)

Hi @stormanh and @mnikitina,

Thanks your responses. That line of code works well. Appreciate it.
