How to increase or decrease the size of the initial and signature in Docusign eSignature

I have created both templates and eSignatures using PlumSail, but am having a problem reducing the size of the initial using the /i1/ tag of PlumSail DocuSign eSignature, while with DocusSign I have been able to resize the initial easily. Could someone please guide me on how to resize the initial and signature in Plumsail Template.

Attached is an image of the Docusign resize feature. I would like to apply the same to Plumsail Template using any tag or resize method.


Hi @Nilesh_Rathod,

Do you use a picture formatter to place the image?

If yes, it supports resizing: {{value}:picture(100,100)}

However, it's static resizing you can't change it on fly.

Please share some details of the template itself.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi Petr,

I appreciate your response.

As I am unsure whether I can use it for Initial or Signature purposes, I do not use any picture control.

I would like to take the initial of the customer and when the customer puts his or her initial, it overlaps with another line.

It will be helpful if I resize the Initial to avoid overlapping with the another line.

Also, I checked DocuSign template and it has a resize option. I'm not sure whether we can do that in Plumsail

Images 1 and 2 show my template detail and the initial (Singature) issue.

Hi @Nilesh_Rathod,

There is no such option in Plumsail yet; I'll discuss it with my team if we can add something similar to our service. I'll be in touch with some results.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

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Hi @Nilesh_Rathod,

I've contacted you from our support HelpDesk with some details about the feature. Please check it out.

Best regards,
Plumsail team