How to show multiple validation at same time?

I am using "fd.validators" for validate form, but it shows only one error at single, so user when go and complete that fields, afterward it shows other error is have any,

I want to show all errors at same time, with "fd.validators" can i achieve?
How can i use "Sweet Alert" or any other in form?


Hello @harshp924,

fd.validators validates the form and lists all errors in the alert box. For instance, I need to check that Title and Description fields stores value:

        name: 'MyCustomValidator_01',
        error: "Title field is required",
        validate: function(value) {
            if (!fd.field('Title').value)
                return false;

            return true;
        name: 'MyCustomValidator_01',
        error: "Description field is required",
        validate: function(value) {
            if (!fd.field('Description').value)
                return false;

            return true;

And this is what user sees in the alert box:

Thanks @mnikitina,
I will look into this,
Previously i was put all condition in single validators, i think it was show one massage at same time,

can you tell me how can i use sweet alert for same purpose, restrict user to submit form.


Hello @harshp924,

You can load any external script on the form using RequireJS library. Please find the example in this article.