HTML to PDF in PowerApps

I am trying to create a PDF in Powerapps using HTML. I have gotten it to work another Powerapps connector but their prices are too expensive. I am trying to make Plumsail work but i am having no luck so far…

So to create the PDF you select a powerapps button to trigger.
my formula is as followed. (Im trying to see if i can do simple HTML first before i get too elaborate)


when it runs, i get this feed back
PlumsailDocuments.FlowV1DocumentsJobsHtml2PdfPost failed:{“request”: “url”:/FlowV1DocumentsJobsHtml2Pdf’, “traceid”. “OHLG6Q2T4EA1Q”} “error”: {“code”.:system.argumentexception",“message”:“The html field is required.”}}

however i do have an html I have tried all of these ways to get it to work .

PlumsailDocuments.FlowV1DocumentsJobsHtml2PdfPost("<!doctype html>HI",{orientation:“Portrait”,size:“A4”}))




I need help, i have googled and googled and dont understand why it is not working.