Hyperlink Issue: DOCX Generation

Hi, I am unable to pass along a hyperlink variable to the template.

I am attempting to include a hyperlink variable for linkURL as shown in your documentation below:

I am able to save the above templating format in a local word document, but as soon as I upload the newly saved template to sharepoint or plumsail processes, the web version of the doc starts complaining about the URL format.

As a result, I am unable to pass along a hyperlink variable to the template through power automate.

I have also tried a few variations of the templating format in the address field such as: 'http://%7b%7blinkURL%7d%7d' and '%7b%7blinkURL%7d%7d'

The issue persists when uploading your provided template within plumsail processes as well:

How can we remedy this issue and bypass the need for a properly formed URL in the doc address field?

Hi @vav

I replied in the thread

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team

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