Inserting Picture (base64) into DOCX template rotates wrong

I've been trying to use the Picture formatter in the DOCX template and it keeps rotating the images sideways. I've tried using the compress feature and putting in various proportions and it's always putting them horizontal instead of vertical (for all pics). Any suggestions?

Just to add.. the pics started out vertical and are in Sharepoint.

Hello @mberkebile,

I tried a vertical picture from SharePoint and it was placed correctly in my template. Could you probably share the docx template and a sample of the image?

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Sure - I'll do it in the support ticket I opened. Don't see how to share the files here. I did figure out that mobile phones inherently store as horizontal (it's in the exif-data), even though windows auto rotates them. You seem to have to go in and edit them first in order to truly rotate them. I was able to get the encodian plug-in for powerautomate to "clean" the image which rotates it correctly, but I'd like to just use plumsail if possible.

Hello @mberkebile,

Currently, we're testing new formatters for image rotation. We'll release them soon and notify you once it's available. Thanks for waiting!

Best regards,
Plumsail team