Link preview on iPhone

I have a question, when I send the link to a Plumsail form through texting (iPhone) the preview title contain the words Plumsail Form. Is there a way for us to change that? I would like the Title to be the Title of the application.

See screenshot below

Hello @adasilva,

Are you considering a paid support option? I've sent you details by email.

Never mind, I just saw the update on the ticket. I will reach out to my manager and let you know.


My manager has approved the paid support option. Question, this functionality would work on both the iPhone & Android phones correct?


Yes, it will work on both iPhone & Android devices. I've sent you information by email.

Hello @adasilva,

We've published the update. Now the name of the form is displayed in the page title.

Please test it.


We have tested, it is working great!

Thank you,


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