@Margo - I have tried this but the video (even while under the max size) fails to upload. I commented on this matter a while ago in this post Validators.push Error CSS (I receive this error with a 2MB video. Am I missing something? Sorry, that file is too big (maximum size is 3 MB). Why not upload your large file to a cloud sharing service, then paste the link?) and I have moved on to another project for a few weeks. I am still interested in this operation and will share the code and screen captures for now.
A quick note: One thing I see in many of these posts declare the var elements outside of the function block. I get get very confused by that because I have a huge JS file with ~2K lines of code - granted there are commented out blocks but still if I declare a listOrLibrary or listOrLibraryTitle outside of the function, I will break something else. I suspect it is my own failings to understand but the following block is something that you have posted to try, but it seems to set one listOrLibrary for the whole form. I have six (6) listOrLibrary controls on one form and don't understand how the vars can float outside and not impact other listOrLibrary controls so I place them after the fd.spRendered(function() {
. MY CODE below is an attempt to rename file upon upload for 1 of the 6 listOrLibrary controls on the form. If I can get one block to work, I will duplicate the code for the other listOrLibrary controls as needed.
The file rename is dependant upon user selection of three required fields, and isn't instant.
- User uploads a file, then must satisfy three required fields (as illustrated by the red outlined field inputs).
- MediaFileType = Choice Field in Document Library
- BodySite = Choice Field in Document Library
- MediaDescription = Plain text Field in Document Library, with max character value set in SP
- The file rename must reflect the values in the three required fields, plus a 5-digit random string ("MY CODE" below does not yet have the RAND string incorporated, as I wanted to get the base process working first). This is how I want the end result to look.
var listOrLibrary = 'SPDataTable1';
var docLibraryTitle = 'fileUploadListTest';
var docLibraryId = '32398E41-12E4-4E25-8618-670FB69362C7';
var extension;
var filename;
fd.spRendered(function() {
function(itemIds) {
//get document library by Title
var library = pnp.sp.web.lists.getById(docLibraryId);
//go through each uploaded Item Id and set field values
var batch = pnp.sp.web.createBatch();
var currentName;
var uri;
for(var i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++){
//specify which fields to update and how
var itemId = itemIds[i];
library.items.getById(itemId).inBatch(batch).update({Title: fd.field('Title').value}, "*", entityTypeFullName);
library.items.getById(itemId).select('FileRef', 'Id').get().then(function(item){
return item
uri = item.FileRef;
var fileID = item.Id;
filename = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/")+1,uri.lastIndexOf(".")) + '_' + fileID;
var nbatch = pnp.sp.web.createBatch();
library.items.getById(fileID).inBatch(nbatch).update({FileLeafRef: filename}, "*", entityTypeFullName)
This is the code I have tried. I have removed some content for privacy.
fd.spRendered( function() {
var listOrLibrary = 'Private';
var docLibraryTitle = 'Private';
var filename = fd.field('FileLeafRef').value.LookupValue;
var MediaFileTypeV = fd.field('MediaFileType').value.LookupValue;
var BodySiteV = fd.field('BodySite').value.LookupValue;
var MediaDescriptionV = fd.field('MediaDescription').value.LookupValue;
fd.control( listOrLibrary ).$on( 'filesUploaded',
function( itemIds ) {
//Get document library by Title.
var library = pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle( docLibraryTitle );
//Go through each uploaded Item Id and set field values.
library.getListItemEntityTypeFullName().then(function( entityTypeFullName ){
var batch = pnp.sp.web.createBatch();
var itemId = fd.field('stemParentListitemID').value.LookupValue;
for( var i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++ ){
//specify which fields to update and how
console.log( 'itemId: ' + itemIds[i] );
console.log( 'MediaFileType: ' + MediaFileTypeV );
console.log( 'BodySite: ' + BodySiteV );
console.log( 'MediaDescription: ' + MediaDescriptionV );
console.log('FileLeafRef: ' + MediaFileType + BodySite + MediaDescription);
library.items.getById( itemIds[i] ).inBatch( batch ).update({
Name: MediaFileTypeV + BodySiteV + MediaDescriptionV,
}, "*", entityTypeFullName );