Lists with Jotform to Plumsail via Zapier


i have integrated a docx Template in Plumsail which contains a bullet list variable within a table cell.

I want to check multiple choice boxes in Jotform and transfer that data to Plumsail via Zapier and to display it as a bulleted list.

Currently it only gets displayed like this:

  • item1; item2; item3

But I want it like this:

  • item1
  • item2
  • item3

How do I accomplish that?

Hi @Yusuf_Aydin,

The reson is that the tag in the docx template receives an array of choices and not individual values.

So, when you select several options in the JotForm it send it in this way to the template
[item1; item2; item3]

and it's considered as one value, not as an array.

In Plumsail Forms there are 2 ways of placing the checkboxes: multiple choice and toggles.

And to send individual values, not array it's better to select toggles. Each toggle returns true/false value when the multiple choice returns an array and it’s a bit difficult to extract the individual values.



I'm unsure if there is the same option in the JotForms. If so, you can change them to toggles and the bullet list should work ok.

Best regards,
Plumsail team