Lookfield looks normal in list view but different in gallery view

i got a sharepoint list with a lot of lookup columns.

the list looks fine in the normal list view but different in gallery view.


how can i change this?

greetings Tom

Hello @TomRischkau ,
Used to be a problem in classic view when I saved the selecte data in Lookup column to text columns and it was saved as JSON. For modern view, it was OK (and is).

I used to make some workaround with another column where only "Title" or "DisplayName" was saved.
So one column for lookup, in settings I set this column selected value to save "lookupJSON" and before the form was saved, I iterated all the Lookups and saved DisplayName to "lookupDisplayName" for example.

If anybody has a better opinion, I would be also happy :slight_smile:

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