Lookup and Dropdown can not scroll down on mobile

We have a truoble about scrolling down of forms control such as Lookup and Dropdown on mobile. Now we are using version of App Catalog and Designer client version 1.8.7 and have attempted to upgrade App Catalog to version but after upgraded, Designer client could not save any forms.

Lastly, we are using Plumsail Forms for SharePoint 2019 and open form in panel mode.

Please help.

Dear @JugkritNWR,
When deploying v1.0.8.3, did you select this check box as well?

How do I say bacause while we are uploading the package version, The pop-up deploy screen show package version as you can see below picture.

After deployed, it seem work properly because there is no error which was shown in the last column but when we try to save our forms, the designer client has an error as you can see in the last picture of my previous question.

Dear @JugkritNWR,
You're using SharePoint 2019 right? Where are you downloading the package from?

It should be the version for SharePoint 2019:

You can download it by clicking Design forms button:

Yes, we are using SharePoint 2019, we have done the installation as you recommend since we bought your product but now we want to upgrade all of the package to the latest version. Below is the setup package that we have used to install at first time and we followed the step in the last picture.

Would you please recommend us the proper way to upgrade our plumsail forms package to the latest version?

Lastly, I assume that we may have to reinstall the latest setup package once again.

Thank you in advance.
Nawarat Patanakarn Public Compony Limited.

Dear @JugkritNWR,
Here's an instruction on how to update the solution, including the app package - Update Plumsail Forms On-Premises solution — SharePoint forms


We will perform to update our Plumsail Forms as you suggest next week.

Thank you very much