Maximum File Size

Today I have a problem with file size. When I upload the file has approximately 9MB into attachments, it throw me the error.

Error request for url method POST, Status code: 409 Conflict: /_api/web/getList('/sites/PVFCCo/PhieuXetDuyet/PhieuKyVersion2/Lists/DonXinNghiPhep')/items(15)/AttachmentFiles/add(FileName='LeMinhCuong_day5.docx')

I know default maximum file size is 10240KB, but I dont know why this error happen. Did I config wrong something. Please help me.

Hello @minh_cuong_le,

The error message is not related to file size.

You and another user edited the item simultaneously. Please refresh the form and try again.

Dear @minh_cuong_le,
Another potential problem here - if you run a workflow/flow on the item after it's created. Small files are uploaded quickly - before the workflow runs, large files take time - they try to attach after the workflow has finished running, and cause a conflict.

Unfortunately, this problem is not specific to our forms, even default SharePoint forms suffer from it. We recommend modifying your workflow/flow in such a way to accomodate for file upload, for example, check for attachments in your workflow and not run it if there are no files attached yet.

Or move the workflow logic into JavaScript code, that's also a possibility.

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Thanks. Finally, I found the issue.